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the Wholly Human Initiative hub

What is the aim of the Wholly Human Initiative?


We believe Carl Johan Calleman is right; that the planet has entered the ninth wave of evolution, the wave of Unity. We think humanity is ready for a unified front, and for new ways of working with ourselves and others.


The Wholly Human knowledge has walked among humanity for our entire existence, and will not only continue to move forward, but has the potential to exponentially bloom in this new era that has arrived.


Several of us hold pieces of the Wholly Human picture; keys to all of us flourishing together. We feel it is time for all of the information keepers to unite, so we created The Wholly Human Initiative as a place where all can share and learn from each other- a hub of trusted information.


Get to know our team below! And if you think your picture belongs here too... we invite you to check out our Instructor Invitation or Collaborator Invitation.

The History

As we see it, the Wholly Human Initiative completes a trilogy that was preceded by

Quiet Miracles and Earth Project 777.


Quiet Miracles was a curriculum that mainly focused on human physicality.  Moving within mainstream environments, like schools, hospital and corporations, Quiet Miracles introduced the Reset Breath/Quiet Touch 18” (RBQT-18”) and the PAUSE.


Quiet Miracles provided practical ways that are always available to remind us that we are in a body that was created to evolve and change, always moving in resonance with EarthPace.


This work was mostly done between 1994 and 2016 and is still part of the process.

project 777

EarthProject777 (EP777) was a project created to explore and discover any frequency based anomalies that were hindering our physical systems from opening to full embodiment of Spirit and aligning with our Soul Purpose.


It brought in high levels of frequencies, anchoring them in the Earth’s field at strategic points in timing, allowing us to access new levels of potential.


This work was cosmically and planetary activated in 2008 and marked as realized in 2017.

Meet The Team

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